Wednesday, July 25, 2012

School time soon!

    Well, home stretch time until I head back up to school for the year! This summer went by super fast. Lots of interesting things happened and went on! Went to Mexico on a cruise with my brothers and mom because my brothers got to play a performance on it with their HS jazz band and Chamber singing group. That was fun. Then I did my internship at the middle school, where I learned so much and even got an offer for a letter of recommendation from the teacher I observed and assisted. That's really saying a lot because he's a well known director that even got an award for his directing. Plus the fact that he even offered to write me one is great, because nobody ever HAS to write a letter of recommendation for anybody, and the fact that he offered it himself means so much to me. If I don't have anything to do next summer, I definitely want to go back and help out again.

    I am really really excited to be moving into my new apartment. My roommate is a really great person and I'm excited to get to live with her. Of course, I'm nervous as well, since she's a new living mate, and ever since the whole fiasco from my Sophomore year, I always get kind of nervous with new living mates, but I think everything will be just fine :) It'll be really fun! We had a nice skype session today, trying to figure out apartment stuff, and searching for the best internet deal, while encountering the Comcast chat representative and wondering if he was the creepy guy who used to follow me around last year, which then led into intense laughter as we anxiously waited to see if his last name was what we thought it might be. haha wow! That was a run on sentence!! Sadly, he refused to tell us. Apparently they can only say information that relates to their products! Bummer :P She also finally got to meet most of my family, that was very entertaining!

    What's awesome, is my family finally decided to let me bring up the car, so that I didn't have to ride my bike home at night. I'm really grateful that they are letting me! Of course I will be paying for my own gas and helping pay for car insurance but I think it'll be worth it, especially since the school isn't all that far away from where I'll be living this year. Now the car just needs to survive the 8 hour trip up to school! (it's a very old car)

   Ok, I need to talk about this now, because I just stopped blogging for 6 minutes just so I could do this. But, my Sophomore year of college, we played a piece called "Arabesque" by Samuel Hazo. It was an extremely hard piece to play as a trumpet player, but, my goodness was it amazing once we got it down. There was one part in the piece where we had to clap on an off beat, and I've now realized, that it is impossible to listen to that song without needing to stop what I'm doing in order to clap. It's like listening to the "Friends" theme song and not CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAPPing at the clapping section. You just can't not do it.

   Anyways, that is all I can think to blog about for now. I hope everybody is having a lovely Summer break and I look forward to seeing all you peeps that I know very soon!!! 9 days and counting!! EEEEEE!!!! :-D


Here is the piece I was talking about :)

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