Monday, July 9, 2012

    It's almost move in day!!!!!!! Well, sort of :P I have about a month. I'm super super excited. I've never lived off campus so this will be a new experience for me! It's going to be super weird not having my roommate of 3 years living with me anymore though :( We've definitely been through thick and thin together, with certain roommate issues and emergencies and always being there for each other. It's going to be a strange thing to get used to not having her around everyday. I already miss her!!! We will need to plan lots of hang out days though.  
    My 4 weeks of helping out at the middle school are almost up this week. They are having their concert on Thursday. It's going to be weird not waking up everyday at 7:30 to shower and get into my teacher outfit! I've learned so much from this experience and it makes me want to be a music teacher even more. Not only has it helped build my confidence in getting up in front of an actual group of students who do not have an extensive musical background and if you say something wrong they will have no idea what you are talking about, but I now have more confidence in being able to TEACH other instruments. Through out the past 3 weeks, the director I've been helping has had me help warm up the three different groups, concert band, beginning Jazz and Advance Jazz; I've taken individuals and sections out to help them with their parts (which in turn has enforced what I've learned in my methods classes this past year! I've also learned to improvise (though I'll learn that next semester anyways :P) and seen how things may work with certain students but not others. I'm really glad I got this opportunity and I'm really grateful to my aunt who is the one who recommended I try to ask the teacher if I could help with his summer program. So thank you Auntie!!!!
   I get to go to the lake this Friday with the BF's family and a few members of my family! It's going to be super fun and we are going to use my BF's family's Wave Runners. Super stoked. 
  The BF got a new puppy yesterday. He is the cutest little guy ever. Got some great pictures of him too. He's going to grow up so fast!! He's a german shepard :)

Ok, well tootles!!!


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