Friday, February 3, 2012

♫♪ MUSIC ♫♪

     Already 3 weeks are gone in this semester. It's pretty amazing and I'm having so much fun! My days are packed to the brim with music classes and I don't get much free time, but honestly all my classes are fun and I have my friends in each of them so that makes them even more fun to go to. Because I have so many classes in one day, I just stay in our school's music building until they are all over, even if I have an hour break in between, because honestly, what's the point of going back in forth when you are just going to have to turn around right when you get home anyways? And there is always someone to talk to anyways when I'm just sitting around doing HW in the lobby as well.
     Being a music education major is so much fun. Everybody was so welcoming, and it's such a tight nit little community to where everybody knows each other. I really feel like I belong here and I've already made so many friends. We have so many fun and funny moments that I will always remember. For example, after our pep band played at the women's basketball game, me and two of my friends had quite the adventure as we were leaving the music building resulting in creepy people in cars and lots of laughing.
     Even though some of my classes are a little complicated, I always feel so smart after I figure them out because I'm technically talking in another language! Not everybody knows what 8th notes are or what a Perfect Authentic Cadence is and how to build one. So I must leave a note for my ex major....

Dear Biology,
    I love you dearly and I will always continue to find books about you in libraries and book stores so I can read about everything science and be a total geek about it. I will continue to gawk at any animal that walks by and yell "PUPPY!!!!!!" at any puppy that walks by as well. I will continue to find anything science related absolutely amazing, which others would find gross. But, you and me, we did not have the kind of relationship I was looking for in a major, I feel that you were abusive in ripping apart my GPA even when I tried so hard to keep it together. I've found someone else, who is more accommodating with me and willing to work with me. I will always continue to love you, but I feel that the time has officially come to that point of me moving on and us going our separate ways, educationally speaking.

love always,

And now, with that depressing note to major who is now probably crying over the fact that I broke up with it, I leave you with no review today because I'm tired! Sorry! Feel free to suggest a piece of any music you'd like for review in the comments though! Tootles!


1 comment:

  1. My goodness that was an adventure indeed!
    I'm so happy that you're a music education major! :D And even though you broke up with Biology, you can always be friends with it :)
