Monday, February 13, 2012


    Changed my blog title today. I feel like this new title fits me a little better because my last one, "Every musician needs music notes" isn't entirely true. There are  musicians out there who don't even know how to read music and are amazing at making it. Take my younger brother as an example. He can sing, but he has no idea how to read music, nor does he know how to play piano, but he creates the most amazing music on the piano. I have no idea how he does it! He says choir is what helps him create the chords and melodies, but I'm still amazed at his ability, I'm horrible at doing anything like that. I feel, that if he ends up not pursuing acting or singing, he would make an amazing composer.

    Played my rep piece again last week! This time with my friend as my accompanist! We did a really great job for only playing it together twice! The second rehearsal together even included a new section that we had both been working on but it sounded great when we played it for the class. There are a lot of things I still need to work on such as being much more expressive with my playing, how I attack my notes, and making sure not to let my longer notes waver in sound. I was told that I have a rosey tone though, which is cool even though I'm not really sure what that means, but I was told I sounded nice. :) Can't let that get to my head though! I'm far from making this piece sound the way I want it to and I need to make it better if I want to be able to play it at our upcoming concert!!!!

    This pep game was even more fun than last weeks! I didn't even know that could have been possible! After our meeting, a group of us Pep banders went to our Amecis on campus and had a grand old time being goofy and taking amazing pictures. I really love all my fellow music people. :) The game was super fun as well. I do feel that I was less boring for sure! No creepers afterwards either!

    As I depart, I shall leave you with a piece we are playing in our brass ensemble and has been constantly stuck in my head due to the fact that it's pretty much an inside joke now so it shows up randomly sometimes when I least expect it. :P Have fun having it stuck in your heads because it's so catchy!!!

    Lastly......... I do declare!!! :)


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do!!

    Woo! So I'm hoping this feeling isn't going to go away as the semester progresses, but I'm already really enjoying Choir. I honestly don't think I'm even singing really well, but I'm still trying really really hard, and I can already tell my sight singing has really improved and I've barely just started. Hopefully, if I improve enough in both my singing and my sight singing, and I still am enjoying singing by the end of the semester, I'm going to try out for chamber singers. They are really good though, so I don't know if I'll even make it in but it's always good practice doing the audition and all that anyways. Oh, and I sing Alto 2, yay for having a lower singing voice! :P

   Yesterday, in Big Band, me and 3 other students were asked by our director if we could come play in his piece that he is composing at our school's faculty composer's concert. I'm so stoked! I'm so not a jazz person, and I'm still getting the hang of it, but I guess he doesn't consider me a total loss at it and a decent trumpet player if he was willing to ask me to play in the piece when he could have easier grabbed someone better to fill my position.

   Anywho, on with my random spurts of information!! Today I FINALLY got to play in the Chamber Wind Ensemble in a piece called "Dances With Winds" by Shelley Hanson. I am enjoying that piece already! It's super fun! The first movement reminds me of the Sherlock Holmes soundtrack (First movie), the 2nd movement is so pretty and I actually get a little soloish thing in it, the 2nd half of that movement is crazy fast though but once we get that down we are going to sound awesome. 3rd movement is super fun as well :D

   Another pep band/basketball game is coming up! If it's anything like the last one, it's going to be amazing! PLUS, I'm going to work on being less boring! Because I felt I was being pretty boring at the last game until near the end (Yeah Final Count Down!).  We have a meeting before hand to get some business covered for a festival our school is hosting this weekend but apparently we will have a break between that and the game to get some food so I was thinking of talking to some mus ed/ pep band peeps to get together and grab a quick bite to eat. I'll need to remember to actually ask about that! Though I know one of the people I need to ask is reading this, ;P soooo what do you think? Sound good to you? :D

   I shall now depart with a piece from Sherlock Holmes, and just say it's my favorite one from the entire soundtrack and it doesn't need reviewing because it's awesome. Though, my favorite part is somewhere in one of these two videos (it's a total of 14 minutes so obviously it's not going to fit in one youtube video)  But enjoy it anyways because I love it and I'm sure you will too. :) Also, I will give some words of wisdom:

        Don't wave at people in cars as they drive by because they could end up being creepers.

Ok that's not creepy at all! Anywho, tootles for now!



Friday, February 3, 2012

♫♪ MUSIC ♫♪

     Already 3 weeks are gone in this semester. It's pretty amazing and I'm having so much fun! My days are packed to the brim with music classes and I don't get much free time, but honestly all my classes are fun and I have my friends in each of them so that makes them even more fun to go to. Because I have so many classes in one day, I just stay in our school's music building until they are all over, even if I have an hour break in between, because honestly, what's the point of going back in forth when you are just going to have to turn around right when you get home anyways? And there is always someone to talk to anyways when I'm just sitting around doing HW in the lobby as well.
     Being a music education major is so much fun. Everybody was so welcoming, and it's such a tight nit little community to where everybody knows each other. I really feel like I belong here and I've already made so many friends. We have so many fun and funny moments that I will always remember. For example, after our pep band played at the women's basketball game, me and two of my friends had quite the adventure as we were leaving the music building resulting in creepy people in cars and lots of laughing.
     Even though some of my classes are a little complicated, I always feel so smart after I figure them out because I'm technically talking in another language! Not everybody knows what 8th notes are or what a Perfect Authentic Cadence is and how to build one. So I must leave a note for my ex major....

Dear Biology,
    I love you dearly and I will always continue to find books about you in libraries and book stores so I can read about everything science and be a total geek about it. I will continue to gawk at any animal that walks by and yell "PUPPY!!!!!!" at any puppy that walks by as well. I will continue to find anything science related absolutely amazing, which others would find gross. But, you and me, we did not have the kind of relationship I was looking for in a major, I feel that you were abusive in ripping apart my GPA even when I tried so hard to keep it together. I've found someone else, who is more accommodating with me and willing to work with me. I will always continue to love you, but I feel that the time has officially come to that point of me moving on and us going our separate ways, educationally speaking.

love always,

And now, with that depressing note to major who is now probably crying over the fact that I broke up with it, I leave you with no review today because I'm tired! Sorry! Feel free to suggest a piece of any music you'd like for review in the comments though! Tootles!
