Saturday, March 17, 2012

Heeeey there!

     So I finally decided to write a post after a month! Honestly, I feel nobody except one or two people really read this.... so I don't think I was really missed. Anywho, onward with my post!

    So it's, what, the 8th or 9th week of the semester now? So much has happened since my last post! Let's see.... I found out that I won't be living on campus next semester because I'm #164 on the wait list, so now I need to figure out some way to live off campus and close enough to campus to be able to bike when needed. I love how all my plans for my living situation next year totally just went down the toilet, but something will work out!! Just need to stay optimistic.  My professor, who has been on maternity leave all semester has officially come back! You have no idea how excited I've been since she's back. We are getting so much done now in my classes now that we no longer have substitutes in them. She's also just a great person and teacher so it's nice having her back.

     We've already had one concert in Symphonic Wind Ensemble, and we ended up playing it really well. I was very happy about that, because I was a little bit worried, since we have been doing ok in rehearsals. This week are going on tour to the high schools in the surrounding area to perform our program and hopefully recruit some new comers for the upcoming semesters. :) I've been excited about this trip since our director has mentioned possibly doing it, last year, but now I'm even more excited now that it's almost here. As excited as I am about getting to perform, I think I'm mostly excited to get to spend time with everybody. My trip roommates are amazing, and I'm so stoked to get to room with them!!!! I think I'm annoying them with being so excited... I'm sorry!!! But yeah! Can't wait for Thursday!!!

    Speaking of music, I LOVE BEING A MUSIC ED MAJOR!!!! I'm soooo happy, apparently it's obvious. I've been told by at least three people in the past 2 weeks that I seem so much happier than when I was a biology major. I find that really interesting, but they aren't wrong! As full as my days are, they aren't boring and all my friends are always around, and I love it. :) 

   Anywho, I shall leave you with a really pretty piece that one of my friends introduced me to a few weeks ago!! My favorite part is around :50 where the violin melody comes in. It's so pretty. :)



1 comment:

  1. I'm happy you updated!
    And you really do seem much happier as a music ed major! You'll be a great teacher!!! :)
    You're not annoying with the excitement of the AWESOME TRIP COMING UP!! You make me more excited!!! WEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    And I know "Die Moldau", it's pretty!
