Friday, July 30, 2010


So yesterday I went and saw "Inception" with an old friend and her brother. I actually found it very entertaining and fun to watch. I didn't even find it very confusing. The best thing about this movie was it was about dreams. I am absolutely fascinated by dreams and enjoy dreaming so much. Every morning I try to remember the dreams that I have the night before. The most recent one I can remember well was a few nights ago. It was actually about going to see Inception the next day with my friend. It involved my friend, and this guy I really don't like from one of my classes. It involved doing some crazy stuff to get into the movie. It's really not all that exciting so I doubt you guys would want to hear it anyways. Most people say they don't dream, but I really don't believe them, I just think they don't try hard enough to remember them. Dreaming is such a great way to see what we think about in our subconscious. Like this other dream I had, it brought up something that I used to know in elementary school but would never think about at all and would never have thought about again if I had not had this dream. After I had that dream I sat there and thought "Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that until now!" Amazing what we actually remember and our subconscious brings up when we least expect it. Anybody else have this happen to them? Feel free to mention any dreams that you had recently. I love hearing other people's dreams

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