Tuesday, August 3, 2010

describing an item I see

So I decided to start a little review thing of random items that I see. I will name the item and say why it's great and not great. Sounds fun right? If you guys have any requests on items that you want reviewed I'd be happy to consider them. Let's see.... First item, Bulletin boards!!

Bulletin Boards:
Bulletin boards are pretty awesome if you really think about it. They are usually made of cork and wood and you can put things on them such as pictures and notes and papers and all that random awesome stuff. For example my bulletin board is arranged with pictures of friends, little tid bits about myself, a few medals I won and a few autographed photos from actors that I sent letters to. The only problem with bulletin boards is how bulky they are. They can be a real pain. But other wise they are amazing :D

Friday, July 30, 2010


So yesterday I went and saw "Inception" with an old friend and her brother. I actually found it very entertaining and fun to watch. I didn't even find it very confusing. The best thing about this movie was it was about dreams. I am absolutely fascinated by dreams and enjoy dreaming so much. Every morning I try to remember the dreams that I have the night before. The most recent one I can remember well was a few nights ago. It was actually about going to see Inception the next day with my friend. It involved my friend, and this guy I really don't like from one of my classes. It involved doing some crazy stuff to get into the movie. It's really not all that exciting so I doubt you guys would want to hear it anyways. Most people say they don't dream, but I really don't believe them, I just think they don't try hard enough to remember them. Dreaming is such a great way to see what we think about in our subconscious. Like this other dream I had, it brought up something that I used to know in elementary school but would never think about at all and would never have thought about again if I had not had this dream. After I had that dream I sat there and thought "Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that until now!" Amazing what we actually remember and our subconscious brings up when we least expect it. Anybody else have this happen to them? Feel free to mention any dreams that you had recently. I love hearing other people's dreams

Monday, March 22, 2010

So have you ever had one of those days where you just don't want to do anything at all. Where you feel completely like blech and just don't want to go to the gym like you are suppost to even though you know you NEED to because the dorm food is just not good for you? yeah... that's how I felt today. I still forced myself to go though so it was all good. I think I found my new favorite piece of exercise equipment. Those rowing machines. They are so fun. I'm probably going to be feeling the affects tomorrow but I still had fun. Maybe I should take up rowing... Yeah right like I have the stamina for that. hahahaha


Hey sorry guys, I haven't posted in awhile. Wow lets just say how stressful college is. I was in a 2 hour econ class today and he was constantly throwing infromation at us leaving us all in the dust and confused. We were all trying so hard to catch up to him but I think I understand what he was saying now. So It's all good. :) Listening to the Dark Knight soundtrack right now. Man it's great. What kind of music do you guys like to listen to? Tootles