Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Random Thoughts

Here's a list of random thoughts!

Things I love:

* Hugs!!!!!! If you see me around feel free to hug me! Odds are, I could most likely use one at that moment, plus I really love just hugging people, especially if I care about you a lot, then I find them extra awesome :)

* Animals. In case you didn't know for some reason, I used to want to be a vet. I adore animals and have adored them since I was a small child.

* DOGS. They are animals too, I know but they are my most favorite. I hope to own a few when I have my place one day.  Favorite breeds..... Golden retriever and Husky

* Music!!!! As if that wasn't obvious seeing as it takes up my life only 24/7 and I don't talk about it in every post or anything :P

* My friends. They really are amazing. They are always there for me and are patient with me and don't judge my random out bursts of excitement and my intense hyperness that I tend to have sometimes. Plus they always make me laugh and just make my day better. I love you guys :)

* My family. They are always there for me no matter how I am and love me unconditionally and they are just amazing :D I love you guys too!!!

* Trumpet. I better love it seeing as it's my instrumental focus and I've been playing it for 11 years. It's an awesome instrument and IT'S NOT JUST FOR GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take that all you guys out there who think I can't play just because I'm a girl. :D

Onwards with more random things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you ever wondered what animal you would be if you were not a human? I'm pretty sure I'd be a dog, and it's not just because I love dogs. I'm pretty sure my personality fits to a "T".

Sountracks are awesome.

Did I mention that I am now the treasurer for our Music Education club? YEAH! It's awesome :) I will be going to the school's Charter meeting tomorrow with our new club Prez, to make sure that we are still considered an active club!

Sadly, it looks like our Brass Ensemble won't be having a Brass Ensemble party. :( How sad. Last semester we had one and it was super fun and apparently me and my friend made the party! We are such the party animals fo sho! ;)


I've been told by many people that they want to feed me nuts so they can practice using my epi-pen. At least they are willing to save my life if needed!!!

Anyways.... that concludes my list of random thoughts. Ta ta for now

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