Saturday, August 27, 2011

Audition Day

After playing piano for 7 years, trumpet for almost 11 and drums for 2 years, you'd think that being able to sight read would just be a given by now. I guess everybody is different because after all that, I still can't sight read to save my life. After doing my seating audition for my school's Symphonic Wind Ensemble, I wonder if I'm even going to get a good seat. I could just sit here and hope that my professor will give me the benefit of the doubt over the new freshman, knowing how I actually preform, but I don't want to just start assuming. Whatever happens, happens I guess, and all I can do is sit and wait until Tuesday comes around and I get my parts.

So I feel that I really have the urge to talk about the soundtrack for Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2. Oh. My. Gosh. Never before have I ever fallen in love with a soundtrack when it's just in preview stage, then love it still even before I've seen the movie. And guess what, after seeing the movie twice now, I love it even more. All I can pretty much say at the moment, is this is definitely the best Harry Potter soundtrack that is out there. Whenever I hear pieces such as (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!) "Snapes Demise" or "Snape and Lily" I just naturally start tearing up because of the content of the movie. Also, I don't know about you, but when I was watching the 19 years later scene, and "Leaving Hogwarts" piece from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, I almost cried out with joy. I was just so darn happy!! And all the little tid bits of Hedwigs theme thrown through out the soundtrack! I was about to die of joy. If I could meet Alexandre Desplat right now, I would give him a huge hug and thank him for making the last movie the best. (I'd probably ask him to sign something for me as well :P) I don't know what else to say to do this soundtrack justice, because I can't come up with anything else to express my joy of it.

So, "Dragon Flight", this is one of my favorite pieces from the soundtrack just because it's so majestic. It starts out very stressful (if you've seen the movie, you'll know what I'm talking about) and around :45, it just becomes so pretty it makes you melt inside. Here's a great example of Hedwig's Theme! Yay for Hedwig's theme! Highly recommended for any itunes library.

I love this piece, it's so chilling and really starts out the movie in the right tone.

Dramatic war music! love Love LOVE :11 onward. This melody is also in "Statues". Whenever I listen to it, it makes me feel like I'm about to go into battle right on with them.

I can't even think of anything to say to this one. Whenever I hear it I want to cry. :'(

So everybody! Practice your site reading skills, because you never know when you are going to need them! Also, make sure to take a look at the Harry Potter soundtrack mentioned! It's definitely worth a listen, and if you end up not liking it, just blame me. :P But make sure to let me know what you think! Tootles!


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