Monday, May 28, 2012

Summary of me for now

Here's an update of stuff because I'm too lazy to not do bullet points!!!

* Got a 3.75 GPA for this spring semester! Made it on the Dean's list, BOO YA!!!!!
* stuck at home doing nothing! Not so Boo ya :/
* Have an apartment which I am looking forward to moving into!!!
* Going on a cruise to Mexico! Not saying when because I don't want people to come find my house and rob it! But to all who truly know me, I'll take lots of pictures!!!
* I got new socks!
* I had my 21st birthday! And before I went home for summer, my friends threw me a surprise party and it was super fun and I was so happy!!!
* I'm using lots of !!!!!!!!!s
* I'm a senior this year! But I'm not graduating :(
* I've been having fun posting random videos on people's facebook walls. Let me know if you want to be next :)
* I've just saved 15% or more on my car insurance by switching to GEICO.
* I didn't actually switch to GEICO
* I like playing flute
* I have a trumpet (actually it's a cornet) Pencil sharpener
* picking out a desk is hard
* I really did switch to GEICO
* No, I really didn't
* I started a Pinterest account so if you want to follow me, feel free
* fdsasdfgjklgfdsdfg
* the above statement is beautiful
* Cows go moo
* My brother said Murr

OK, that is all. If you actually know me feel free to talk to me because I'm super bored and have nothing to do till I move in.... :) BYE!!!
